mara.squicciarini at
I am Avv. Giovanni Agnelli Associate Professor, at Bocconi University, Department of Economics.
I was recently awarded an ERC starting grant on the topic "Education, Diversity, Innovation, and Politics."
I am board member of RESTUD.
I am also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and Cesifo, and Research Affiliate at the IGIER, Pericles, LEAP, and LICOS.
Research Interests:
Economic History, Economic Growth and Development, Applied Microeconomics

Economic History, Political Economy, and Development:
“Technology Adoption and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Industrialisation in France” (with R. Juhász and N. Voigtländer). Journal of Political Economy 2024, 132(10): 3215--3259
--> Featured in Voxeu, UCLA Anderson Review
"Do Bishops Matter for Politics? Evidence From Italy" (with G. Lanzara, S. Lazzaroni, and P. Masella)
(Online Appendix) Journal of Public Economics 2024, 238: 105177
"Spatial and Historical Drivers of Fake News Diffusion: Evidence From Anti-Muslim Discrimination in India" (with S. Abraham, G. Lanzara, S. Lazzaroni, and P. Masella). Journal of Urban Economics 2024, 141: 103613
"Birth and Migration of Scientists: Does Religiosity Matter? Evidence from 19th-Century France" (with L. Ogliari and G. Lecce). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2021, 187: 274-289
“Devotion and Development: Religiosity, Education, and Economic Progress in 19th-century France” American Economic Review, 2020, 110(11): 3454-3491 (Online Appendix) (Data: AEA openICPSR Repository)
--> Winner of the Young Italian Economist Award
--> Featured in AEA Research Highlights, Le Monde, Voxeu
“Human Capital and Industrialization: Evidence from the Age of Enlightenment” (with N. Voigtländer). Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2015, 30(4): 1825-83. (Online Appendix) (Dataset and Stata Code)
--> Featured in Science, The Economist, Financial Times, Voxeu, Harvard Business Review
Food Policy and Migration:
“Supply Chains and Economic Development: Insights from the Indian Dairy Sector” (with E. Janssen, J. Swinnen, and A. Vandeplas). Food Policy, 2017, 68: 128-142.
“Governance Quality and Net Migration Flows” (with A. Ariu and F. Docquier). Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2016, 60: 238–248.
“Food Price Shocks and the Political Economy of Global Agricultural and Development Policy” (with A. Guariso and J. Swinnen). Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2014, 36(3): 387-415.
--> Winner of the Outstanding Journal Article Award.
“Global hunger: Food crisis spurs aid for poverty” (with A. Guariso and J. Swinnen). Nature (correspondence), 2013, 501 (7468): 492.
“The Balance of Brains: Corruption and High Skilled Migration” (with A. Ariu). EMBO Reports, 2013, 14: 502-504.
“Mixed Messages on Prices and Food Security” (with J. Swinnen). Science, 2012, 335(6067): 405- 406.
“The Food Crisis, Mass Media and the Political Economy of Policy Analysis and Communication” (with J. Swinnen and T. Vandemoortele). European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2011, 38(3): 409-426.
The Economics of Chocolate (with J. Swinnen). Oxford University Press, 2016.
"The Dynamics of Discrimination and Assimilation: Theory and Evidence" (with G. Lanzara, S. Lazzaroni, and P. Masella)
(Online Appendix) Revisions Requested by Journal of Public Economics
"Dealing with Adversity: Religiosity or Science? Evidence from the Great Influenza Pandemic" (with E. Berkes, D. Coluccia, and G.G. Dossi) CEPR Discussion Paper 18008
--> Featured in LSE Blogs, Centrepiece Magazine
"The Legacy of Feudalism and Sicilian Low Social Capital" (with C. Alfonzo)
“Away from Home and Back: Coordinating (Remote) Workers in 1800 and 2020” (with R. Juhász and N. Voigtländer) CEPR DP 15578 and NBER WP 28251
“Knowledge Elites and Modernization: Evidence from Revolutionary France” (with N. Voigtländer). NBER WP 22779
Bocconi University
20616 - Economics and Politics (2018-19 / 2019-20)
30313 - Economics of Institutions and Culture (2017-18 / 2018-19 /2019-20 /2020-21)
30466 - Culture, Institutions, and Development (2019-20 / 2020-21)
30065 - Microeconomia (2017-18)