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I am Avv. Giovanni Agnelli Associate Professor, at Bocconi University, Department of Economics. 

I was recently awarded an ERC starting grant on the topic "Education, Diversity, Innovation, and Politics."

I am board member of RESTUD.

I am also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and Cesifo, and Research Affiliate at the IGIERPericles, LEAP, and LICOS.


Research Interests

Economic History, Economic Growth and Development, Applied Microeconomics

Home: research


Economic History, Political Economy, and Development:

Technology Adoption and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Industrialisation in France”  (with R. Juhász and N. Voigtländer).  Journal of Political Economy 2024, 132(10): 3215--3259

(Online Appendix)

--> Featured in Voxeu, UCLA Anderson Review

"Do Bishops Matter for Politics? Evidence From Italy(with G. Lanzara, S. Lazzaroni, and P. Masella) 

(Online Appendix) Journal of Public Economics 2024, 238: 105177

"Spatial and Historical Drivers of Fake News Diffusion: Evidence From Anti-Muslim Discrimination in India(with S. Abraham, G. Lanzara, S. Lazzaroni, and P. Masella). Journal of Urban Economics 2024, 141: 103613

(Online Appendix)

"Birth and Migration of Scientists: Does Religiosity Matter? Evidence from 19th-Century France" (with L. Ogliari and G. Lecce). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2021, 187: 274-289

Devotion and Development: Religiosity, Education, and Economic Progress in 19th-century France” American Economic Review, 2020, 110(11): 3454-3491 (Online Appendix) (Data: AEA openICPSR Repository)

--> Winner of the Young Italian Economist Award 

--> Featured in AEA Research HighlightsLe MondeVoxeu

--> Reply to Kelly (2021)

Human Capital and Industrialization: Evidence from the Age of Enlightenment” (with N. Voigtländer). Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2015, 30(4): 1825-83. (Online Appendix) (Dataset and Stata Code) 

--> Featured in ScienceThe EconomistFinancial TimesVoxeuHarvard Business Review

Food Policy and Migration:

Supply Chains and Economic Development: Insights from the Indian Dairy Sector” (with E. Janssen, J. Swinnen, and A. Vandeplas). Food Policy, 2017, 68: 128-142.

Governance Quality and Net Migration Flows” (with A. Ariu and F. Docquier). Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2016, 60: 238–248.

Food Price Shocks and the Political Economy of Global Agricultural and Development Policy” (with A. Guariso and J. Swinnen). Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2014, 36(3): 387-415.

--> Winner of the Outstanding Journal Article Award.

Global hunger: Food crisis spurs aid for poverty” (with A. Guariso and J. Swinnen). Nature (correspondence), 2013, 501 (7468): 492.

The Balance of Brains: Corruption and High Skilled Migration” (with A. Ariu). EMBO Reports, 2013, 14: 502-504.

Mixed Messages on Prices and Food Security” (with J. Swinnen). Science, 2012, 335(6067): 405- 406.

The Food Crisis, Mass Media and the Political Economy of Policy Analysis and Communication” (with J. Swinnen and T. Vandemoortele). European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2011, 38(3): 409-426.


The Economics of Chocolate (with J. Swinnen). Oxford University Press, 2016.

Home: Teaching

Bocconi University

20616 - Economics and Politics (2018-19 / 2019-20)

30313 - Economics of Institutions and Culture (2017-18 / 2018-19 /2019-20 /2020-21)

30466 - Culture, Institutions, and Development (2019-20 / 2020-21)

30065 - Microeconomia (2017-18)

Home: CV

mara.squicciarini at

Department of Economics
Bocconi University
Via Rontgen 1
20136 Milano, Italy

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